You reached the age of one gigasecond (109 s) on Tuesday September 30, 2014 at 20:16.

You will reach the age of two gigaseconds (2 * 109 s) on Friday June 8, 2046 at 22:02.

You will reach the age of three gigaseconds (3 * 109 s) on Monday February 14, 2078 at 23:48.

You reached the age of one binary gigasecond (230 s) on Tuesday January 31, 2017 at 8:07.

You will reach the age of two binary gigaseconds (231 s) on Thursday February 9, 2051 at 21:44.

You will reach the age of three binary gigaseconds (3 * 230 s) on Sunday February 18, 2085 at 11:21.

Chronological notes

All times are in 24-hour format.

The calculations assume that your gigasecond party takes place in the same time zone as your birth. If the timezones differ, or if daylight savings time is in effect at one but not the other of the events, you need to apply a corresponding correction by hand.

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